Month: February 2015

  • Talks on Tolkien: John Garth and Tolkien’s Great War

    Talks on Tolkien: John Garth and Tolkien’s Great War

    This week’s “Talk on Tolkien” features the historical, biographical, and literary research of John Garth, who continues to dig into Tolkien’s early years, the beginnings of his mythology, and his experiences in the First World War. Garth’s book, Tolkien and the Great War: The Threshold of Middle-earth, published in 2003, won the Mythopoeic Award for Inklings Scholarship…

  • Talks on Tolkien: Janet Brennan Croft talks about Tolkien’s views on war

    This week’s “Talk on Tolkien” video comes from Oklahoma State University, where Janet Brennan Croft gave a presentation last November about Tolkien’s life and how his war experiences are reflected in his fiction. Croft is the author of War and the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, which was published in 2004 and won the Mythopoeic Scholarship…

  • Talks on Tolkien: Reflecting on Ruins with Michael Drout

    In this week’s “Talk on Tolkien” listen to Michael Drout as he constructs a lecture on “How to Read J.R.R. Tolkien” out of personal reminiscences, a discussion of the features of oral tradition, and images of stone and textual ruins. Professor Drout is best known to Tolkien scholars as one of the founding editors of…

  • Tolkien conference season 2015

    It’s time to start organizing my travel to various conferences this spring and summer. I wish I could attend all of these meetings, but I’ll be fortunate enough to go to a couple of them at least. My list focuses on North American conferences because I know those best, but please let me know in…